lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

Movie: Pride & Prejudice

Pride and prejudice was one of the first books that I have read, when I was 14 years old I realized how important reading was in life.  In the book I liked how the story of the characters was described and how it was developed.  When I first saw the movie Pride and Prejudice, I understood that you can not compare a book with a movie, but the way in which the film tried to imitate the events in the book was very real and attached to the closest version of the film history.  Over the years and thanks to the book I read too, this movie became one of my favorite movies.

The first time I saw pride and prejudice was when I was 16 years old and it was before I moved to Chile, as I said earlier at the beginning I did not like the movie very much but with time it was more and more liking me.  Although the book clearly describes the facts much better, the film pride and prejudice does not cease to be a real representation of the story told in the book.
pride and prejudice prsafbx GIF by University of Alaska Fairbanks

Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and life among English gentility during the Georgian era. Mr Bennet is an English gentleman living in Hartfordshire with his overbearing wife. The Bennets 5 daughters; the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness and security is dependent on the daughters making good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighbourhood of the rich gentleman Mr Bingley, who rents a large house so he can spend the summer in the country. Mr Bingley brings with him his sister and the dashing (and richer) but proud Mr Darcy. Love is soon in the air for one of the Bennet sisters, while another may have jumped to a hasty prejudgment. For the Bennet sisters many trials and tribulations stand between them and their happiness, including class, gossip and scandal.

Every time I'm alone is when I see the film of pride and prejudice, I like to see it alone because it makes me concentrate on the film.  also when I saw the film for the first time I was alone.  Once I tried to see pride and prejudice with my brother but he found it very boring

I really like the movie because it's a classic that represents the literature of a romantic narrative.  I also love it because through the protagonist Elizabeth Bennett makes us understand the importance of listening to ourselves.  finally I like the movie a lot because it allows you to feel the same emotions as the protagonists, like sensitivity and common sense.

4 comentarios:

  1. I've naver seen this movie, but listen to a lot people who a very interesting like the book

  2. I've heard a lot about this movie! it's the style of movies that I usually see, I will encourage to see it.

  3. I never heard that movie, it sounds very interesting, I'll have to see it

  4. I haven't seen this movie yet, but I think that the book is always better because you can see things with more details.



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